How To Cook The Perfect Kamado Joe Flank Steak 

How To Cook The Perfect Kamado Joe Flank Steak 

There are so many ways to cook the cut of meat you have, and many appliances are available. So here is how to cook the perfect Kamado Joe flank steak that you can follow.

Flank steak is a cut of meat that comes from the abdominal muscle of the cow. It contains thin sets of muscles, but it can be tough to cook when you do not know how to do it properly.

 When you cook flank steak without knowing how to do it properly, the most common occurrence is that it can be very tough when finished. The muscles contract too much during cooking.

 So here, with the help from the Kamado Joe grill, we will see what you can do to avoid a tough and almost impossible to eat flank steak. That way, you get the best out of this great cut.

 Since we will be using an authentic grill that uses authentic fuel, the flank steak will have this smoky flavor and the beefy taste that it naturally possesses because of the muscles.



There is not much to do with this cut of meat, and it is not a very uncommon cut despite having only one from each cow. So you go get your flank steak from the butcher shop and let’s start!\


What You Will Need

Although it is not the most sought-after beef cut, you still need to go to the butcher shop early to get this meat cut or like me you can just order it from Snake River farms for a high quality cut.

 So once you get your flank steak, you need to get the other ingredients for cooking it perfectly. You will need some spices that will help you get that mouth-watering flavor out of the steak.

Get your Worcestershire sauce ready, soy sauce, and honey, if you have some. This combination of ingredients will produce a beautiful blend of flavors that will get you to eat more.

 You will also need about 1/3 cup of olive oil, half a tablespoon of minced garlic, two tablespoons of red wine vinegar, and ground black pepper. These are just the essentials for the recipe. 

You can add or remove ingredients that you do not want or change if you do not have any of the ingredients mentioned above. Just make sure to stick with the flavors that you want.

If you have your favorite marinade, then you can also go for that. Prepare your ingredients and your Kamado Joe for a slightly longer cooking time than just the regular grilling.




Step 1: The Marinade 

Before you get to the other ingredients and procedure, you should prepare the marinade to get the most of the flavors that come with the ingredients.

With this recipe, you just need to mix all the ingredients for the marinade in a bowl. Mix them well to combine the flavors of the condiments and spices evenly throughout the mixture.

After you are satisfied with the mixture, get a freezer bag or a zip-lock bag. Pour the marinade into the bag, and then get your flank steak marinated by putting it inside the bag of marinade.

Press onto the meat, so the marinade sinks deeper into the meat. If you see the other condiments settling at the bottom of the bag, shake them thoroughly until they spread evenly.

If you do not have a bag, then you can also put it in the bowl. Do this at least 2 hours or more before the cooking process, so you get all the spices and flavors into the flank steak. 

Place the bag in the refrigerator and then wait for a little while. This will get the meat to absorb all the marinade flavors and avoid drying out when the cooking process is over.

You can let the steak stay submerged in the marinade for up to 24 hours. By that time, the meat would have exhausted the marinade’s flavors, and prolonging it will not make that much of a difference.


Step 2: Prepare The Kamado Joe Grill 

Once you think the meat has absorbed enough flavors from the marinade, let it out of the fridge and then let it sit at room temperature for about 15 minutes to get it warm enough to cook.

While waiting for the meat to go up in temperature, it is perfect for preparing the grill. There are many ways to cook the steak on the Kamado Joe grill, but I have the best way to do it.

I figured that it is best to cook the flank steak directly over the fire. Avoid putting smoke enhancers on the grill, and if you can, do not even put the plate guard for direct flames.

 Load up the firebox of the Kamado Joe and then let the bottom vent open up. Open all the vents for now until the grill has reached a temperature of around 450 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Once the grill reaches that temperature, adjust the vents to maintain it. Set up the grill grates directly over the fire and remove any obstructions from the firebox to let the flames go up.


Step 3: Cook The Flank Steak

 Get the flank steak out of the bag and then place it directly on the grill grate. Put it in the center so that the temperature gets evenly distributed from all Kamado Joe sides.

Close the lid to enhance the heat distribution of the grill and only open it after 2 minutes. Check if the steak has changed in color, and then flip it before closing the grill once again to let it cook. 

Flip the steak repeatedly after another 2 minutes and see if it has some nice charring and coloring on it. By this time, you can also get your meat probe to look at the meat’s temperature.

If you want to go with a medium-rare finish, then the meat probe should read 125 degrees Fahrenheit. For me, I prefer a medium finish on my steak, so I go for 145 degrees Fahrenheit.

Note: The flank steak will continue to cook even if you get it out of the grill. Just before the internal temperature reads the temperature you want, get the flank steak out of the grill.

Let it rest for about 5 minutes to continue cooking. Not only will this allow the steak to reach the desired internal temperature, but it will also help it retain the juices and moisture inside it. 

After letting it rest, slice the flank steak into thin strips and then serve it to your family or guests. The meat should have a perfectly pink middle with nice charred and browned exterior parts.


What Else Can You Cook?

 Flank steak is a cut of meat that is very easy to cook, so it is a great cut of meat for beginners trying to learn how to cook a steak properly. While it is good by itself, you can even make it better.

It goes well with many kinds of side dishes, so it is a fun recipe to cook if you are trying to cook. You can eat it with mashed potatoes or marble grilled potatoes.

A simple salad also goes well with the flank steak. It is one of the healthier cuts of beef since the flank steak does not have too many fats, so you can make it even healthier with a salad on the side.



You can also come up with the side dish you think will taste great with the flank steak. Anyway, it is a beefy and flavorful cut of meat, so it does not need pairing with other food.

It is a very easy recipe to do, and since you have your Kamado Joe grill with you, the cooking process is even easier. It is a powerful grill that you can also use in other styles of cooking.

 Flank steak is a thin cut of meat, so it does not work well in slow and low cooking, but you can try it. In the meantime, follow the recipe above to cook your flank steak perfectly!

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