
Z Grills ZPG 7002E Review 

This Z Grills ZPG 7002e Review is all about the best grill that can cook anything you want.

Many grills are versatile but not as versatile as the upgraded Z Grills model.

 The 7002e is one of the newer models of grills from Z Grills. It was released in 2019 and received great reviews from the users until two years after it was released.

The most notable change or upgrade made with the 7002e was the temperature control.

You can easily change the temperature while also keeping a consistent temperature.

There are also so many settings that you can select and then cook however you want.

The main thing that you need is to make sure that you set it up properly before you get to cooking. 

This grill is capable of cooking your best foods perfectly.

It can go as low as you want to produce just enough smoke and heat to cook or go as high as you want for searing heat.

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If you are looking for a relatively new grill model that can cook whatever recipe you want, then look no further.

Read the post to see what you get with this amazing Z Grills grill model.


Setting It Up

 It is a relatively large grill which means that it can cook a lot of food.

The disadvantage here is that you need to get a lot of space ready to place it in a safe area.

 The best way to set up this grill is to place it on your patio or the backyard.

You need a sturdy floor on the patio to get the grill to balance itself properly when in use.

 If you choose to set it up in your backyard, you need a hard floor or ground.

This grill is heavy to sink on sand or grass, especially when the floor is a little wet from rain or something.

 With over 132 pounds, you need to find a place that can take its weight.

It is also relatively large with over 500 square inches of cooking area, which takes up a lot of space.

 One thing you can be confident about is the fact that this grill is pretty well-built.

It has the best materials and it also comes with its rain cover so it is also well-protected.

 That means that even if you set it up in your backyard and you leave it there, it would not receive too much damage as long as you always leave the grill with its cover on when not used.


Built And Materials

 This grill is a durable grill which means that you can place it anywhere and you do not have to worry about it degrading after a short time.

It is perfect for outdoor cooking.

 The main lid and the grill’s body have stainless steel, blocking off the natural elements.

It does not rust easily, and it is also able to retain heat when cooking.

 It does not rust easily, so even if you leave it outside and it rains, you do not have to worry about the rain and other problems as this grill will stay durable and stain-free for a long time. 

You can also move it around easily if you want or if the climate in your area is relatively rough.

This grill has two wheels that can be locked in place when you need to set it permanently. 

The wheels have great rubbers that can move it to any terrain.

It is pretty difficult since the grill is pretty heavy, but it does make the work lighter when moving the grill.


Cooking Area

One of the most important parts of the grill is that it has a large cooking area that is also great for cooking.

The cooking area is 500 square inches in total and is very durable. 

The main grilling area of this model is great for cooking many foods.

Perfect for your parties where you need to cook a lot of food in a limited amount of time so you can finish quickly.

 The cooking space is enough for you to cook over 20 burgers or 10 steaks at a time.

So if you need to cook a lot of food and do not have much time, then this grill is there to back you up.

 The cooking space is heavy-duty stainless steel.

While it is pretty good for cooking right away, you do need to season it first before the first use to make it even more convenient.

By brushing a light coat of cooking oil on the grill grate and heating it, you get to put a non-stick coating on the cooking grate, making it even easier to use for cooking.

 The wire cooking grid is also porcelain-coated, which means that the food will not stick onto the cooking grate. You can cook straight on it without worrying that the food will be hard to flip.



 This grill is commended by many for its ability to make the best foods with high temperatures.

However, it is one of the most versatile grills that you can get to cook any recipe. 

First, there is the smoker option which converts the grill into a pellet smoker.

This option is great for relatively hard meat when cooked under high temperatures and short cooking time. 

If you also want to add more flavors to the meat you are cooking; the smoker setting is the best option.

For this option, there is a total of 194 square inches of the smoking area.

There are a total of 8 cooking settings that you can select with this grill.

That includes cooking styles such as rilling, roasting, baking, and more, so you do not need to switch appliances.

If you are cooking in your backyard, you do not need to get the other appliances ready to cook different recipes.

This grill essentially replaces your kitchen and puts it in one great grill.


Cooking Power

There are many other factors that you need to consider when cooking with these kinds of grills.

Perhaps one of the most important is the temperature that they produce and its control.

 With this grill, you do not have to worry about the cooking style you want.

The firebox produces enough heat to cook with searing-hot temperatures or lower ones for smoking.

The 7002e can get up to temperatures of up to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

This means that you can cook pizzas in 12 minutes or sear steaks with no hassle and no need to wait too long.

 The maximum output of this grill is around 25,00 BTUs.

This is enough for the large cooking space, although I thought it could be better and still produce more heat for cooking.

For the other options, this grill can also go as low as 180 degrees Fahrenheit.

 This is also what makes it perfect for smoking meat as you do not need a lot of heat for that cooking style.


Cooking In The Grill

There were a lot of pleasant surprises when I first used this grill.

I did not need a lot of practice to properly use this grill as it was reliable and easy to follow.

 It does get up to high temperatures pretty quickly, so you need to prepare your food or cook. There is no need for you to look after the heat all the time with its controls.

Just set the temperature that you need and the grill will be ready to cook.

Once preheated properly, you no longer need to stand beside it and wait or manage your food while cooking.

The controls are very easy to use, so this grill is great even for beginners. 

The food is always great with this grill, and there is not much need for you to keep resetting the temperature.

The grill automatically feeds the pellets needed into the firebox to adjust the temperature inside the grill. The auger mechanism inside also feeds the pellets smoothly.

There is no need for you to worry about the pellets getting stuck inside and limiting the temperature control.

The mechanism inside is like a screw that feeds the pellets smoothly into it.


Cleaning And Maintenance

Cleaning this grill is also really easy since it has some features that can help you to keep it good as new after every cooking.

You just need to remember to do it after every use.

The grill has a grease cup that catches all the grease and other liquid waste from the grill.

You can just push the oil into the grease cup and then dispose of it later when you are cleaning.

Since the cooking grate is porcelain-coated stainless steel, you can easily brush off the cooking space’s food residuals.

You can use paper towels or a soft-bristled brush.

There is also an included rain cover, which means that you can let it dry after cleaning and put the cover on.

You can leave the grill outside and not worry about it rusting or corroding.



Once you get the grill cleaned, you can also place it in a safer storage area so animals cannot get to it.

This grill is very easy to use so you can practice all your cooking with it.

==> Check out the best deals on this Grill

There are many settings or cooking styles that this grill offers.

That means that you do not need much effort to cook your favorite recipes and serve the best foods.

Just make sure to always place it in a secured area where the wheels and legs will not sink and the height is balanced.

From there, you will be making the best foods pretty easily!

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